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Bobbie Farsides giving key note presentation and with Mike Parker receiving award.

On  the 10th July, GLIDE was delighted to present the 2024 Global Health Ethics Leadership Award to Professor Bobbie Farsides.

Presenting the award, Professor Mike Parker cited the important contributions her work has made including to reproductive medicine, organ donation, end of life palliative care and research ethics. He particularly highlighted Bobbie’s attention to and support for early career researchers in the UK and around the world.

In accepting the award, Professor Farsides said:

'It is a true honour to have been given this award by people I like and respect so much, in recognition of the aspects of my career that have always been important to me. Thank you so much for the splendid trophy, but most importantly, thank you for the very kind words and sentiments that accompanied it.'

The Global Health Ethics Leadership Award recognises leaders who have transformed and made an outstanding contribution to the field of bioethics. It was made on the final day of the 2024 Oxford Global Health & Bioethics International Conference, held at St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford.

The Conference also awarded:

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