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Prof David Morris

Professor MorrisHonorary Research Associate, McGregor Museum Kimberley and Extraordinary Professor, School of Humanities, Sol Plaatje University

David Morris (PhD), born and bred in Kimberley, studied at the University of Cape Town and with post-graduate degrees from the University of the Western Cape, is an Honorary Research Associate at Kimberley’s McGregor Museum (formerly Head of Archaeology), and is affiliated with the Heritage Department at Sol Plaatje University.

His principal research interest is in rock art of the Northern Cape and Karoo, while he has helped develop public archaeology through the Wildebeest Kuil Rock Art Centre, Wonderwerk Cave and other museum contexts such as the Ancestors Gallery at the McGregor Museum. His publications include research articles and co-authored books on rock art, indigenous perspectives, and the history of archaeological research.

He is a member of the South African national Advisory Committee on Repatriation of Human Remains and Heritage Objects.